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Shadowcarders The only Legit forum

Discussion in 'Forum News / Updates' started by Alpha GOD, Jul 31, 2019.

  1. Alpha GOD

    Alpha GOD Admin of Shadowcarders Staff Member

    Hello everyone im Alpha GOD the administrator of the best carding forum

    Im here to tell you what we gonna do with our forum in the next months,

    We are the only one forum who is legit 100% ,

    We do not allow scammers here like : Western uninon trasnfer, Bank transfer or any kind of scam's, Until we find a legit one so we will not deal with any fake one, So be careful with who you deal always use forum escrow.

    We gonna bring here our verified sellers who gonna sell fresh private Fullz, cc's , Dumps, Dating Accounts, Accounts.. etc.

    We gonna bring here in forum our forum currency next months, So you can deposite money here in our forum anytime you want and use them to buy things inside here, so no one can be scammed here,

    We are trying to delete and ban any scammers who are pretending that they are selling bases of cc's, dump's, any kind of transfers, Electronic etc.

    We have our MOD's who are working in forum and trying to learn and help everyone with Methods, Fresh private cc's dump's and everything else . We are working 24 hr's to make this forum the greatest of all the time.

    So dont be scared use SHADOWCARDERS.COM.

    Our users privacy are in HIGH level encrypted.

    This is the next generation forum SHADOWCARDERS.

    Everyone who invite 20-30 active member's gonna get 200$ Bonus

    Kind regards : Shadowcarders staff.
    Drake135, Domiknotrix and Cinthia like this.
  2. gzuz187

    gzuz187 GOD MOD Staff Member

    Ilya1312 likes this.
  3. lntbiz9185

    lntbiz9185 New Member

    Please somebody message me ready to get all carding methods
    Astro likes this.
  4. zx6

    zx6 New Member

    hello checking out the forums
  5. bessiejohnson93

    bessiejohnson93 New Member

    hey, checking out the forum
  6. edis

    edis New Member

  7. saoudibil

    saoudibil New Member

    hi, welcome!
  8. roibn

    roibn New Member

    We gonna bring here in forum our forum currency next months, So you can deposite money here in our forum anytime you want and use them to buy things inside here, so no one can be scammed here,

    We are trying to delete and ban any scammers who are pretending that they are selling bases of cc's, dump's, any kind of transfers, Electronic etc.

    We have our MOD's who are working in forum and trying to learn and help everyone with Methods, Fresh private cc's dump's and everything else . We are
  9. Revrowdy

    Revrowdy New Member

    Help a brother out
  10. usershadowC

    usershadowC New Member

    Hello everyone.
  11. Wayman0507

    Wayman0507 New Member

  12. Locsta

    Locsta New Member

    Where the cards at?
  13. ... interesting ...
  14. saimatic

    saimatic New Member

    This the only forum i been to where the mods actually put up some frees to stir things up, im feelin this forum and im about to delete everyone else.
    If any of the bosses can send me a few dumps to my inbox i'd appreciate it, im restarting after long break with just my msr.
    100% for shadowcarders. love and respect boys

    SOSABABBY New Member

    Sound like good business!
  16. boi00700

    boi00700 New Member

    looking for cashapp/zelle/apps methods/guides
    Mosesliua491 and Peedon66 like this.
  17. ervgotti312

    ervgotti312 New Member

    Sound good
  18. Jeremy48

    Jeremy48 New Member

    Sounds really good
  19. icemn137

    icemn137 New Member

    ready to learn the ropes
  20. Wonderboyvick

    Wonderboyvick New Member

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