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$$$ СRAZY SHOP $$$ >> Online Store CC+CVV2 >> The best credit cards at a low price

Discussion in 'Verified Vendor ( Selling )' started by takemoneybro, Mar 24, 2025 at 8:10 AM.

  1. takemoneybro

    takemoneybro New Member

    Our addresses:



    We just added 3+ million cards at super cheap prices

    Almost free, lots of cool bins

    If you want to place your cards in our store, welcome.
    If you are an old seller, we will transfer accounts



    please use the !! TOR browser - click !!!, soon we will make regular domains tha7b66ezt56gh63voxmcmmgvsgcjgeec6m4djyvxsn7jnqyexq3z2id.onion - << Rating of the best stores !! >>


    If you want to sell your cards, you can contact me. I make unique offers.
    I accept cards from 10% valid, which are not accepted in other stores

    I also sell first-hand cards on special conditions, very favorable.

    [email protected]


    • We also have our own sniffers
    • Prices are indicative
    • Value category. Very cheap cards of different valid from 10% to 90%
    • Low valid cards 10-19% sell on average from $0.3 to $1.5 with a NoREF value
    • Valid cards 20-30% cost an average of $1.5-2 with a NoREF value
    • Valid cards 30-50% cost an average of $2.5 - $4 with a NoREF value
    • Everything above goes 50-95% for the REF valid with a check on the trychecker, cost an average of 5$

    We also accept cards for sale, write your contacts in a personal.

    1. Friends. I accept your cards for addition to our store.
    2. Minimum valid from 10% then from 2000 cards are sold as NOREF
    3. If the validity is 50%+ then from 500 cards are sold as REF
    4. Good conditions for cards over 100k+ pieces
    5. drop your jabber or TOX in a private message
  2. takemoneybro

    takemoneybro New Member

    Berg999 likes this.
  3. Ch3rryF0X

    Ch3rryF0X New Member

    Not bad. Let's be friends bro!
  4. Berg999

    Berg999 New Member

    Accepted. Let's see what happens in the end.
  5. Heartless621

    Heartless621 New Member

    Interesting CC. Need to get more. I like everything so far. Respect to the shop.
  6. SHELUVS_seneca

    SHELUVS_seneca New Member

    I'm still checking. The validity is normal.
  7. takemoneybro

    takemoneybro New Member

    EpicNation likes this.
  8. EpicNation

    EpicNation New Member

    I'm waiting for the result.
  9. B1tcoin B1tch

    B1tcoin B1tch New Member

    There's a lot to try out in this update. It's exciting.
  10. B1tcoin B1tch

    B1tcoin B1tch New Member

    There is certainly variety here.
  11. Caele

    Caele New Member

    I can't help but enjoy the material in this shop.
  12. takemoneybro

    takemoneybro New Member

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