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Professional hacker/carder looking for partnership

Discussion in 'Hello / Hi' started by GreyHatAidenPearce, Feb 24, 2020.

  1. GreyHatAidenPearce

    GreyHatAidenPearce New Member

    Hello You can call me GreyHat, I’m a professional carder/hacker, I’ve been doing doing this for a while, and I’ve made tens of thousands from carding and credit card related fraud, this is not an ad per say, but I’m looking for a partnership in which both parties would share a lot of money, I have my methods on bypassing otp and bypassing cancellation of orders. They’re 100% and it was more of a self discovery due to years of programming, I was on another forum, which I helped a lot of people as well as myself to cashout, but I had to take it down for anonymous reasons. So hit me up if you wanna partner up. You can hit me up on telegram aidenpearce9696. There’s a lot of money to be made. Safe lads ✌
  2. Alpha GOD

    Alpha GOD Admin of Shadowcarders Staff Member

    Hello GreyHatAidenPearce welcome to our forum, dont forget to join our telegram group.

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