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A new journey starts!

Discussion in 'Hello / Hi' started by bowswhipper, Aug 14, 2019.

  1. bowswhipper

    bowswhipper New Member

    Hi there!
    Since I have to post something to watch threads, I'll just write something about myself.
    Me and my family has been pretty broke since the very beginning. I am sick and tired of this, and will do anything what it takes to change this. My family will be prosperous from now on, for this I will work hard, day and night!
    I understand IT pretty well, since I am an IT student, so I should get through the technical stuff, but I don't really know good methods to do this.
    If any of y'all can help me, lead the way or just want to drop some valuable info, I thank you in advance!
  2. IamMaze

    IamMaze New Member

    Similar story here very much alike

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